Oral mucosa diseases

Studio Fonzar: Dentists in Udine

If you suffer from the following symptoms:

– red or white stains, either temporary or constant
– brownish-black stains
– ulcers
– swelling of the gums, internal cheek, roof of the mouth, or underneath the tongue
– burning sensation in the mouth
– dryness or excessive salivation
– changes in taste

you may have a problem with oral mucosa, the maxillary bones or the salivary glands, and we recommend you book an immediate appointment with a qualified dentist.

Who treats oral mucosa diseases in our studio?

Dr. Melania Lupatelli

How we treat oral mucosa diseases

An appointment with the specialist in oral medicine begins with the specialist collecting information relating to the patient’s medical status and the issues which led them to request an appointment. This is followed by an inspection of the oral cavity with a dental mirror and a sterile gauze and with manual palpation of the lesion/s.

An accurate diagnosis may on occasion need a biopsy, i.e. a partial or complete removal of the lesion under local anaesthetic. The lesion will then be sent for histological analysis by a qualified pathologist. Blood tests and certain radiographic tests may also be required.

What is oral medicine?

Oral medicine is the field of study which deals with diseases of the mouth, usually unrelated to dental pathologies related to traditional dentisty. Diseases in the mucosa coating the oral cavity, the maxillary bones and the salivary glands may have a range of causes (inflammation, infection, tumour, trauma), but may manifest themselves in similar ways, leading to possible mistakes or delays in diagnosis, with potentially dangerous consequences.

Further information

What we treat?

Discover our treatments.

We effectively treat periodontal disease, caries and all other diseases of the oral cavity.

Identify your problem.